Media Center Policies and Procedures
Hours of Operation:
The library is open during the regular school day from 8:30 a.m.- 4:15 p.m.
-Library materials may be checked out by students, faculty, and staff.
-Students may check out up to five items. Items may be checked out for 2 weeks and renewed once for two weeks. Books may be checked out for 14 days and renewed, as long as there are no reserves.
-Reference materials are available for use in the Media Center only.
-Some materials are available for teacher check out only.
-Students are asked to return all items in a timely manner.
-Students must return overdue books before checking out additional books.
-There are no fines for overdue materials. The student is expected to either return the item or to pay for it if it is lost or damaged.
Each student is responsible for the library materials he/she borrows. If an item is lost or damaged while it is officially in a student's care, the student is expected to pay the replacement cost of the item. Checking out materials for friends is not allowed.
-Show care when using all library resources.
-Place chairs under tables before leaving.
-No talking in study areas. Minimal talking is allowed at social area in front of the circulation desk.
-Students must sign in at the circulation desk upon arrival.
-Students who are scheduled for class must have a classroom pass.
-All student schedules are subject to be verified by staff.
-Eating is not allowed in the media center.
"A school librarian’s job is not to take care of the books, but to take care of the students." -Christopher Dougherty