Pinecrest School Improvement Meetings
Pinecrest School Improvement Team meetings are open to the public, and we welcome community members and families to be involved in the school improvement process. We ask that all members of the community comply with our school rules and check in at the front office to get a visitor's badge before proceeding to the meeting.
Agendas for each meeting will be posted at least two weeks before the meeting date. All meetings are held in building 3, classroom 3205. Meetings are every third Thursday of the month at 4:00 pm. If there is a conflict with the school calendar, the meeting is rescheduled to the last Thursday of the month. If we must schedule a special meeting, an announcement will be made on this page at least 48 hours in advance and posted on the front door of our school office.
Indistar is the online platform MCS uses to house all School Improvement Plan documents and actions.
Guest log in:
Guest password: GuestS16879
If you have any questions about our meetings, please email the SIT secretary at [email protected]
Meeting Dates: